Monday, June 20, 2011

All you need is LOVE

I have never been of the belief that you need material things to be happy.  All we need is food, water,  shelter and LOVE.  Good loving relationships are something that I believe all human beings need in their lives. Some people may disagree, but then I think people who say they don't need anyone have never really had a loving relationship.  One in which they feel completely safe within.

I have been lucky in love in my life.  Of coarse I have had the often shaky relationships of a young girl, picking the wrong guy...but those were not really love more like infatuations or curiosities at that.  But as we know love does not just mean love with ones chosen mate.

I have been lucky in love in so many of relationships.  I have an amazing relationship with my parents who have supported me through my worst times and my best times.  My relationship with my sister has grown over the years to become one of my closest relationships, she and I both have gone through our ups and downs with each other and now are strongly bonded and best of friends (and at times seem that we are each other's only friend).

I have another amazing loving relationship with Rock who loves me for me, even my ever changing curves and crazy mood swings.  We have had our rough times too, but have come through them stronger and closer.

Above all I love myself, it may seem a bit vain to say that but it is true.  I am a good person, I treat people nicely, I like my body and I enjoy my humor.  I make myself laugh and have fun being me.  My relationship with myself is in tact!

You never think you can love something more than you love yourself or your family or your lover...but guess what you can!  Have a baby.  Now I know some people have babies and either didn't want them to begin with or shouldn't have had them.  But if you are like me and wanted to have kids since you were a kid, when it finally happens you cannot believe the amount of love you can feel for this little being.

Edy is now the new love in my life.  I still love all those other people and I love them a lot.  This though is a new kind of love.  I would do anything for her and anything to keep her safe.  I love everything about her, at least right now.  I even love her farts, sneezes, spit ups and burps.  There is no way I can ever imagine her having an annoying quality, although I know she may in the future.  I stare at her unendingly, memorizing every little thing on her face.  If a new little bump pops up I notice it immediately. If she has a booger in her nose I see it.  If her breathing changes I worry.  Every ounce of my being is infatuated and in love with this little person.

I catch myself questioning if I love her too much, is that possible?  Should I pick her up or feed her or change her every time I hear even the smallest of cries?  I don't ever want her to suffer for long, but if I spoil her now will she grow up to be a bratty spoiled child?  There is nothing worse than a spoiled bratty child...I should know I am a teacher and have seen plenty...

If all I do is love her will she turn out to be a good person?  Is love really all you NEED?

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