Friday, July 8, 2011

2 months least 214 left to go!

I have never been so content with waking up at 6 AM.  I don't feel tired, which is strange cause I almost always feel tired.  Lately though at 6 or 7 AM I am not tired.  Just ready to get up with my little girl and watch her learn about the world.  AND Wow is she learning!!

I have been reading "the book", you know the one.  It is the one I told myself I would never read, didn't need to read, "the book"! What to Expect the First Year.   It has all these people who have written letters to the authors about babies, some are interesting things I already new, but like to hear the answers the author gives, other letters are down right dumb, what is wrong with have never even seen a baby in your lifetime...get it together. But then there are some really good questions, that I need to know, like how high does a fever need to be before you call the doctor, or go to the ER?  Good to know I think!

 One of the questions I took particular interest in was about scheduling your baby.  It sounds crazy, but I couldn't wait till Edy was on a "schedule".  So I read the author of "the books" advice on scheduling a baby.  There are a few approaches to this: One is just going with the flow and figuring out the "schedule" that your baby has created for itself.  The author of "the book" even gives and example of how it may go,
     "He wakes about the same time each morning, feeds, perhaps stays awake for a short period, takes a nap, wakes again for lunch, follows with another nap, feeds, then perhaps has a fairly long period of wakefulness late in the afternoon, capped off by a meal and a nap in the early evening, wakes, eats again, and then to bed for the night or until the night time feeding."

She or they, the authors, suggest you just pay attention to your baby and figure out their schedule.

There was no way Edy was on her own schedule I started to really pay attention to her sleeping, eating, and waking time.  Low and behold they were right she is on her own little schedule.  This is why I am now content to wake up at 6 or 7 AM every the summer!  It is part of the schedule, I work well in schedules and crave their predictability.  The most amazing thing is that Edy's "schedule" almost exactly follows the suggested schedule given by the authors of "the book".  I could hardly believe it!  Good thing I decided to read "the book", although I think I would have figured this out myself, it was nice to not have to figure it out!

Another reason why I am so content to wake up so early is that I just love spending time with Edy.  She is a morning person, much less fussy in the AM than in the PM.  I bring her out of our family bed, set her on her changing table, change her, and then let her stay there.  She is so happy just laying on the changing table taking in all her surroundings.  She has the same Monkey Mobile above her head every morning, and yet every morning she stares at it as if seeing it for the first time.  Taking in each little monkey face.

When I wake up so early, I think to myself what milestones will she accomplish today?  Is today the day she smiles at me in recognition?  Oh I hope!!  She has smiled a few times, once at her daddy, in her sleep quite often and then yesterday at my mom, her grandma, Mary.  My mom, was just making silly faces at her with silly noises and there it was a big smile right across her tiny face.  You don't think you will ever be excited to see someone smile, but you will be.  My mom and I were ecstatic!  "She smiled, she smiled, she smiled at me"  Then my mom, continued to make her faces, but now with more gusto!  Could we get her to do it again?  When I got home I tried to make the same faces and same noises my mom had, thinking 'please, just smile for mommy'  all the while knowing that I sounded like some TV mom, while also look ridiculous.  But if she smiled it would make it all worth it!  But I guess she was done passing out smiles for the day.  So I wake up early each morning in hopes that today will be the day, she smiles at me.

Today is July 8, her 2 month birthday.  There is 214 months left till she is 18 years old and I already want them to slow down.  She has gotten so big, can't they just stay this way forever.  Babies are the best!
Then though, I see friends with toddlers or school age kids and think, I can't wait for Edy to be that age!
Right now though I just love watching her learn and take in every little thing she sees!  6 AM is a great time of day!

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