Saturday, August 18, 2012

15 months gone by...

...and I love her even more than I did the first time I saw her!
I realized today that I haven't written here for a year, WOW time flies!  If I want this to be a document that I save for Edy when she is older than I better keep writing.

 In the past year life has become so much more amazing.  Our little family has had its' bumps in the road, but all in all it has been the most amazing year.  Edy is a healthy, happy, beautiful little girl.  She has hit all her milestones, crawling, walking, starting to use words and now starting next week she will be starting her first day of day care! I am a nervous reck!  We were soooo lucky that she got to stay home last year, but we thought it would be great for her to start meeting some other kids and getting socialized! So 2 days a week she will be going to "The Cottage" the school district preschool.  I think the program is great and the teacher she will have is amazing.  My concern though is that she will scream and cry all day...luckily my classroom is just down the hill from her school and they can call me if they need to but what a night mare for Edy, for her teachers and for us.  I think she will be fine!;)

I also just can't believe she is going to "school" where has the time gone.  She has really turned into this amazing little human, she is funny and smart.  Has her own little quirks, like when we go to the market (her favorite place to go) she squeals at that top of her lungs in joy as we roll down the isles.  If you aren't looking at her face you would think she was in some sort of horrible pain, but if you see her face, you can see she is so happy and squealing is how she shows how happy she is!!  So many little things about her that make her unique.  Every day I can notice something new that she is doing, it is so amazing!  I have watched kids grow up before, but always from a distance, never this up close and personal, I am loving every minute of it!

walkin' in the park!
Our future Rock Climber!

She starting walking mid summer and we have just loved seeing this happen.  With walking though does come some other difficulties.  Like she disappears quickly, and tries to climb on everything!
She can also now get into everything.  She especially like to play in the pantry closet and the cereal cabinet.

In the past year, we have done so many things, I couldn't possible talk about them all, but here are some highlights!
Cross Country Skiing
Trip up the Gondola
Nuggets Game
Going to Hot Springs
California Trip #2
Bike rides
and many more I can't think of right now!
Our life with out Edy would be so incomplete, I still get teary eyed just looking at her sometimes!  I can't wait for the next year to unfold!

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