Friday, August 12, 2011

Funny things about babies

Babies are cute, well most of them are.  Edy is no exception and in my opinion she is the cutest baby I have ever seen.  Not only is she cute looking she does the cutest things.

She smiles and "oohs and aahs" at her monkeys. She flails her arms around and and whacks the little toys on her play mat.  She sneezes these cute little baby sneezes and coughs little baby coughs.

Then there are things that you wouldn't think were so cute, but because she is a baby they are.  She farts, poops, burbs and cries.  All of these things that we think are horrible or disgusting if done by other adults are somehow so cute coming from this tiny little body.

Baby Farts are cute because of how loud and powerful they are coming from this tiny little baby bootie.  I can't help but crack up when she blows a big one and her eyes light up in surprise.

I have never been so excited about poop.  I didn't know before having a baby that sometimes breastfed babies only poop every 2-3 days sometimes even going longer than that.  Edy is on the every 3 day plan.  No matter what I am always a bit worried about her not having a daily bowl movement.  Then when it happens I can hear that cute little squirt of liquid.  A sweet and sour smell, not bad, just different.  After she poops, she cracks a big smile across her face, obviously relieved.  Baby poop is just weird and changes so much.  When they are first born it is black and sticky, with no odor, and has a special name, micobium (I think).  Then once they start really eating-breast milk, their poops turn to a liquidy substance with little cottage cheese looking bits.  Varying in color from mustard yellow to a light brown.
Baby poops are so popular that you can actually see pictures of it on the website They show the different stages of baby poop depending on what the baby is eating.  It really is interesting and when ever Edy poops I get a big smile and tell her how proud we are of her!

Burbs are similar to the farts.  It amazes me how at times the burps come out so forcefully.
Especially when she eats from a bottle the burp is huge.  I can feel it rumbling up from the bottom of her belly, come up her chest and escape out of her mouth.  Again she always has a big surprised look on her face, like..."Where did that come from Mommy?"  

Finally crying...most people don't find crying to be cute, but as I have said in a previous post.  Edy's crying is so cute.  We can't help but laugh sometimes when we here her little shouts and chin quivers.  We know she is in distress and go to her quickly, but her cry is so endearing it makes us love her even more than we already do!
crying after one of her first baths!

All of these things are so cute in babies... or maybe I just find them cute because they are coming from MY baby.  All I know is that Edy is so cute that I often tear up just looking at her and listening to her.

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